People and places brought together to heal and inspire.
Mental health matters to us
Our treatment centres provide the platforms and create the environments that support professionals to equip and empower you to thrive.
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We are here to help. Please get in touch with us either telephonically or via email.
Our Purpose
We offer treatment and support for people struggling with mental health and addiction challenges.
We exist to make it possible for psychiatrists, psychologists and other clinicians to combine their efforts efficiently and effectively, and in doing so achieve consistently good outcomes for patients brought into our system.
Our goal is to offer people a treatment program and environment that supports and builds on their mental wellness. We aim to cater to the specific and unique needs of the population that we serve and therefore have the concept of wellness at our core.
What matters most to us?
For people to have the opportunity to thrive instead of just survive day by day.
This entails equipping them to manage their challenges and take responsibility for them; together with their support system. This will enable people to take back control.
We build our approach on four Aspirational Values:
A safe environment at all times for our clients, their families and our employees.
Client centeredness, compassion and kindliness in all we do for the people in our care.
A commitment to team and acting in ways that strengthens teamwork.
A dedication to continuous improvement towards excellence.
To achieve the value-add for our clients, our approach is based on 3 primary principles:
Wellness Approach
Experiential Learning
Client Centred Approach
What We Offer
Wellness Centres
Addiction Recovery Centres
Corporate Care
Out-patient FCE (Functional Capacity Evaluation)
At Mondia Health we believe that working in teams provide the best outcomes
We provide a system of care that specialise in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders. This includes in-patient and out-patient programs.
The group of people that will be involved in, and responsible for your well-being are:
Your Psychiatrist or General Practitioner where relevant for Substance Abuse disorders
Social Worker
Your Psychologist
Occupational Therapists
Nursing Staff
Each one plays a vital role in the journey to wellness.
We also focus on preventative services, addressing problems in the workplace and building skills with employees to increase productivity.(refer to our “Corporate Care” section for more information on this)
Corporate Care
Wellbeing Is Our Main Concern
Whether it’s your colleague or a student, we have your wellbeing at the top of our list. Why not check out the services we have to offer and contact a consultant today!

Corporate Consulting

Employee Wellness

Schools Support

Employee Sobriety

24 Hour Helpline +27 76 509 4011