Welcome to our
Mondia Woodlands works closely with the referring professionals to ensure a streamlined process for the client and to optimise their reintegration back into their environments.
Get in touch
Our Address
6 Woodland Hills Boulevard
Woodland Hills
Contact Information
Phone : (051) 880 0125
Fax: (051) 451 1479
Helpline: 076 509 4011
Email: wl.fm@mondiahealth.co.za
Contact Mondia Health Bloemfontein
Please Note:
A maximum of TWO visitors are allowed per patient, visitation in patient rooms is not permitted. Arrange all special requests regarding visitors in advance with the patient coordinator.
Session 1 – 18:00 to 19:00
Session 2 – 19:00 to 20:00
Session 1 – 13:30 to 14:00
Session 2 – 14:00 to 14h30
Session 3 – 18:00 to 19:00
Session 4 – 19:00 to 20:00
Get The Right Kind Of Help
You will work with a team of professional people who have been handpicked because they all share our reason for existence – to inspire you, to support you and to equip you to lead the life you can and want to live.
We will give you the RIGHT assistance that will stop you from feeling overwhelmed and out of control. You will have the opportunity to learn to make better choices and replace old, destructive behaviours with new, healthy habits.
Our team includes: psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, counselors, dieticians and nursing staff that create, implement and monitor treatment programs catered to each clients’ needs.
Every day, you will be part of a group of people where you get to share similar challenges in a safe environment. Together you will take part in a busy program we have designed with our committed goals of assisting you to recover and to equip you to live a fulfilled life.
We exist to inspire you, to support and to equip you to lead the life you can. We are devoted to making it possible for you to be happy and fulfilled. That’s what we do, that’s why we come to work every day and that is our commitment to every person who comes to us. We do not judge, we do not blame, we only lend a hand to empower you.
Our patient centred approaches help people to live better lives. That means having:
A purpose
Family, friends and acquaintances that can provide love and support
Self-awareness that can lead to self-acceptance
Growth and self-development
Social groups to belong to and share with
Control over the direction of one’s life and future
Good health
Safety, security and justice