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Relaxation and mindfulness

Relaxation and mindfulness

During the national lockdown, we are faced with a lot of new feelings and challenges. Initially the idea of spending time at home might have been a wonderful prospect, but as the days go by, reality might be sinking in.

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Mindfulness as we know it has been making its way around social media more than ever but is in fact a practice that has been a way of being for many people for a very long time. So, what is it? Being mindful is paying attention to what’s going on inside and outside of ourselves as it is happening.

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The reality of substance abuse during lockdown

The reality of substance abuse during lockdown

We’ve already witnessed the havoc of Covid-19 around the world, and now we are faced with it on our doorstep, in our very own beautiful country. We are reminded of the elderly, the homeless and the many other that will suffer during this time, I am however reminded of the people caught up in a helpless world of Substance Abuse Disorders (SUD). The reality of panic buying of essentials like food and toilet paper, is as crucial to the distributers of drugs.

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The power of choice

The power of choice

We make decisions every day—from seemingly inconsequential choices, to larger ones that can affect the course of our lives. Part of the power of Mindfulness is that it allows us to make wiser choices—the ones that lead towards living a more healthy, meaningful, and fulfilling life.

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Bullying lasts beyond the moment

Bullying lasts beyond the moment

Bullying is something we all remember from school. Maybe we were lucky, and we were not the ones that were bullied, but that does not mean it did not affect us. We saw it, we feared it, we consciously avoided falling onto the radar of the bully. And we remember.

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